- 2D finite element method solver
- Multiphysics simulations
- Fast solution with hp-adaptivity
- Simple GUI with geometry editor
- Multiobjective optimization via OptiLab

Electromagnetic Fields
Electromagnetic fields can be solved in four modules: Electrostatics, Electric Currents, Magnetic Fields, and Harmonic Waves. Magnetic Fields supports both harmonic and transient studies to simulate dynamic phenomena such as eddy currents. |
Structural Mechanics
Structural module can solve common mechanical problems such as beams, brackets, and bridges, results that show stress and displacement. This physics can be connected to the Heat Transfer to simulate heat-induced deformations. |
Heat Transfer
Thermal phenomena can be solved in steady state or transient studies. These physics can be coupled with Magnetic Field and thus, for example, induction heating can be easily simulated. |
Fluid Flow
The Fluid Flow module supports steady laminar flow of liquids and gases. Wing aerodynamics, engine cooling, or fluid flow through pipes can be simulated. |
The Acoustic module can handle both harmonic and transient phenomena such as room sound propagation, pressure in the loudspeaker, or wind instruments. |
Model's dimensions or material properties can be optimized directly in Agros via OptiLab. This optimization module includes a number of multi-object tools such as NSGAII, NLopt, or Bayesian Algorithms. |
You can download agros for both Windows and Linux. There is always a latest stable version and an experimental version. The experimental version has new features, but we do not guarantee its stability. You can also directly download the source code from GitHub.
To install agros on Linux, use package AppImage. It requires no compilation, no installation, and works on selected Linux distributions.
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Whether you're interested in learning the agros basics, modelling fields, or setting up more complex multiphysics problems, you'll find plenty of inspiration on our YouTube channel.
The PDF tutorials offer a detailed introduction to the basic agros functions, physical fields, their formulations and boundary conditions, and show how to use OptiLab to optimize your models. Another series covers modeling multiphysics problems, step by step, and extending agros with the Python package. Coming soon!

If you reach the limit of what agros and OptiLab can do, we have something extra: The agros Python package does everything agros does and more. If you have already created a model, you can export its code from agros, import it into Python and automate the model further.
You can easily get static models moving, statistically evaluate the resulting data, or optimize dimensions and other parameters using your own methods or methods from a wide range of other Python packages. You can install the agros package using:
pip install agrossuite

Agros is an open-source application developed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, by teachers, researchers and students. The aim is to develop user-friendly finite-element software for teaching, research and engineering. The core of the application is then based on dealii libraries.
If you are interested in the project, have ideas for improvement, or would like to join the team, please contact us at: agros@fel.zcu.cz
If you use agros for your research and found it useful, you may consider adding some of the following articles to the list of references of you papers.
Karban, P., Pánek, D., Kaska, J. Open-source platform for simulation of physical fields: Agros, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2025, DOI
Karban, P., Pánek, D., Orosz, T., Petrášová, I., Doležel, I. FEM based robust design optimization with Agros and Ārtap. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2020, DOI
Karban, P., Mach, F., Kůs, P., Pánek, D., Doležel, I. Numerical solution of coupled problems using code Agros2D, Computing, Volume 95, 2013, DOI
Solin, P., Korous, L. Adaptive higher-order finite element methods for transient PDE problems based on embedded higher-order implicit Runge–Kutta methods, Journal of Computational Physics, 2012, DOI
Solin, P., Cerveny, J., Dolezel, I. Arbitrary-Level Hanging Nodes and Automatic Adaptivity in the hp-FEM, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2008, DOI
Karban, P., Panek, D., Kropik, P.Utilization of Algebraic Multigrid for Solving Electromagnetic Field by hp-FEM, Conference ELEKTRO, 2016, DOI
Petrášová, I., Karban, P., Dolezel, I. Using Surrogate Model for Shape Optimization of Busbar, 23rd International Conference on Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering (CPEE), 2022, DOI
Mach, F., Starman, V., Karban, P., Dolezel, I., Kus, P. Finite Element 2D Model of Induction Heating of Rotating Billets in System of Permanent Magnets and its Experimental Verification, Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 61, Issue 5, 2013, DOI
Mach, F., Karban, P., Doležel, I. Induction heating of cylindrical nonmagnetic ingots by rotation in static magnetic field generated by permanent magnets, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2012, DOI
Doležel, I., Karban, P., Kropík, P., Kotlan, V., Pánek, D. Optimized control of field current in thermoelastic actuator for accurate setting of position, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 219, Issue 13, 2013, DOI
Nikolayev, D., Kubik, Z., Karban, P., Skala, J. Impedance analysis of transmission line cells for EMC applications using Agros2D, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 50, Issue 2, 2016, DOI
Karban, P., Doležel, I. Modeling of Fast Transients on Transmission Line using Higher-Order Adaptive Methods, ELEKTRO conference, 2016, DOI